Writer, Editor, Journalist, Designer

Hi. I'm glad you're here. This space is for sharing all about what's going on in my life. Enjoy!

A look into my life, my training, my accomplishments and my goals.

How have you grown lately?

These are weird times, can we all agree on that?

On one hand, we have this pandemic raging. Many of us are now working from home, not working, or working way more. Everything is closed and canceled. The government is sending us checks. People are protesting the fact that things are closed and we shouldn’t assemble because thousands of people are dying from those very things. Gas prices are down almost to where they were when I was in high school, and yet I haven’t filled up in over a month because I have nowhere to go.

Everything just feels weird lately. So what have you been doing that’s not in the norm for you?

I’ve attended more webinars in the last week than I have in ever. I honestly think this is really cool and should continue. It’s way more accessible than having to attend some conference in Seattle, or wherever. Oh, can we say way cheaper, too?

I’ve always dreamed of going to do something like that for work, but I have never had the opportunity because of cost. But dang, I’ve learned a lot in just the short bit that everyone is online and helping everyone else. We’ve even been hosting our own webinars, and I love this!

One non-professional webinar I attended was from Les Mills on how to build a culture of trust. This was kind of an off-the-wall one that I signed up for, not really related to my job specifically, but I got a lot out of it. It’s about trusting your team to deliver and being able to count of them. A strong team is essential to reaching big goals. I love that idea of trust, and a true leader is someone you can rely on. People who let you down consistently will consistently lose your respect.

So on the topic of growth, I’ve learned a lot about social media marketing, fundraising, hosting a webinar on Facebook live, and leadership.

What else have I tried lately? I reconnected with yoga and tried some mindfulness practice. I’ve never done mindfulness before. Focusing on your breathing, and letting the rest of the world just slide away. it’s not very long, about 10-15 minutes. But I’ve been doing a little bit of yoga stretching and then finishing off with a clear mind, and wow, it has upped my relaxation and reduced my stress so much.

Last night, I fell asleep peacefully at 9:30, and it was amazing. I’m trying to focus on recovery more, because I’ve also been focusing on pushing myself more, and the two have to go hand in hand or you’re moving fast toward injury and burnout. Connect with your joints, muscles, tendons, heart. Listen to what they are saying. Maybe today isn’t the day to push it, maybe it is.

Point of growth: Learning to listen to my body and learning how to relax just as hard as I push.

I’ve also been trying to snack less. This is one area where I’m not listening to my body! I always seem to be hungry. But instead of just reaching for the closest food, I’m trying to let it go a little bit. Drink some water instead. Maybe a protein shake. No late-night ice cream (this one’s hard).

It’s been harder to avoid eating since I started working from home. My stomach has protested. So it’s time to chill out on the snacks.

Point of growth: Learning that enough is enough, and I’m not starving, and it will be OK, and I can fuel before my workouts and enjoy the nourishment that I am giving my body rather than going for the instant gratification.

My training has come back into focus, too, and I have some new goals to work toward. I’m getting a bike fit in a couple of weeks, and I am so excited for that. Training blocks are getting harder, and rides are getting longer. I’m holding out hope that summer will still be on as far as events go.

It’s not easy. Yesterday I could’ve ridden outside, but I chose to stick to my training plan instead for VO2 intervals. My patella is still nagging me, so I figure it’s time to make sure my body is moving properly.

It is better than it used to be. My body has come a long way from the lazy beer drinker who literally did 0 things in terms of exercise. I am still building strength, and building connective tissue takes a long, long, long time.

But that’s the process. So my growth point is remembering to keep going, while also remembering to reach out and ask for help when needed. Stubbornness only gets you so far.

So that’s my list. What about you? Share some of your personal growth points with me!