Writer, Editor, Journalist, Designer

Hi. I'm glad you're here. This space is for sharing all about what's going on in my life. Enjoy!

A look into my life, my training, my accomplishments and my goals.

Reflecting on a year of training

I got my new bike almost exactly a year ago. It’s the Canyon Endurace.

I chose this bike because I wanted a comfortable bike to put in some serious miles on. It was pretty, it wasn’t super expensive, it was carbon, it had a lot of good hardware, and it looked hella cool. Plus, it was made for smaller women, and that was really appealing to me. Smaller 650B wheels, a more comfortable reach … Being a short girl, that was important to me. I liked the look of it. Our options here in town are limited, and to be honest, I am sick of seeing Specalized bikes everywhere.

So, I placed my order, I got my delivery, and I set up the new bike that would ultimately make me fall in love with cycling!

And what a year it’s been. I’ve put in over 2,000 miles in the last 12 months, a combination of trainer riding and studio riding and outdoor riding. I also acquired two more bikes, some new friends, some VO2 max gains, lots of FTP gains, and a whole new perspective on life.

I also purchased a Wahoo Kickr Core trainer when the REI 20% off coupons came out. Then we set up together in our new training room! Zwift was the first training program I used. My first ramp test gave me an FTP of 181. My second FTP test measured 183 after the beginner FTP training program on Zwift. My VO2 max started somewhere in the mid-40s (I believe around 45 or 47, up from 37 in December 2018).

I started using TrainerRoad around December. My plan was supposed to get me ready for the Denver Century in June. I wanted to participate in an event every month of 2020. Naturally, 2020 had other plans. But I had lofty goals of ending the “season” with my big BikeMS rise (185 miles over two days, woo! My first century was in August 2019, and so those 185 miles seemed like a lot at that time).

I got sick a lot in the cold months of 2019-2020. I totally restarted my training plan in mid-February after getting the flu. That wiped me out for a good solid month, but I took the time to rest up and to get better.

My final FTP test of this training journey left me at 204 watts (3.87 w/kg), and my VO2 jumped up to 53 (it’s hovered at 51-54 for a long while).

I’m going to rest up, and relax, just do some base training and have fun, and then hit training hard again around December.

So, here’s what the last 12 months of bike riding and training has looked like. Enjoy!