Writer, Editor, Journalist, Designer

Hi. I'm glad you're here. This space is for sharing all about what's going on in my life. Enjoy!

A look into my life, my training, my accomplishments and my goals.

Reflecting on 2020, preparing for 2021

It’s the first day of the new year, and I’m still in bed.

I had plans to get up early and go fat biking, but my body would not let me sleep. I was up until 2 a.m. watching live DJ sets on Twitch and playing Overwatch.

Your body has a way of telling you when you’ve pushed it too far, and this is definitely one of them. I had an intense week with an hour-long Sprint on Tuesday and the Picky Bars tri team challenge on Thursday, my portion of which was a 40k TT bike ride. I also threw in a Les Mills CXWORX core class on Wednesday and boy are my abs still sore! Oh, and this week has been crazy at work! Life stress adds to the mix, no doubt.

It sucks, but I’m OK with knowing I crushed it on the last week of 2020! I got to sleep in and lay around and be lazy, and that feels pretty good on this holiday weekend.

I haven’t done a whole lot of deep reflections on 2020 this week. I have done them pretty consistently throughout the year, though. I don’t know if I really need to do a whole lot more. Let’s call it good!

I’m already starting on my goals for 2021.

1. First off, today I stop drinking caffeine! Well, mainly coffee and caffeinated drinks. I’ll have to slowly get rid of my caffeinated products, like the Strawberry Lemonade Nuun Endurance (please, please make this in non-caffeinated too, it’s so good), but at 25 mg per serving, it’s really not a whole lot.

I will continue drinking decaf coffee, as I love coffee and I love the morning ritual — just not the headache, the sluggishness, the tiredness that comes along with a caffeine addiction. And the actual coffee itself makes me feel anxious, on edge, weird sometimes. I think I really preferred those years when I just stuck to decaf and didn’t feel controlled by the substance.

2. I’m going to continue not drinking alcohol in 2021. I am currently at 580 days without it, and I just can’t imagine going back. I feel and look so much better. I know that my health is better. I just don’t understand how I could justify it. There are so many more NA options out there, it’s not even like you’re being shunned away from breweries and establishments meant solely for drinking alcohol anymore.

And in all reality, I’ve found some new ways to have fun, which I think is the more important answer. It’s no longer part of my identity, rituals or schedule. I’m no longer missing out on anything.

3. One of my goals for 2020 was to participate in an event or race each month, and I’m going to try for that again in 2021!

I’ve already signed up for a few, so I have 4 months covered. I have an idea for a couple of other months that I want to shoot for, but haven’t committed (or have been unable to sign up for) just yet.

Here’s what’s on my plate so far:

The Drift 28-mile fat bike ride in March

Robidoux Quick n Dirty in June

Do Better Together virtual activity series by Ayesha McGowan in January, February and March

307 Gravel Series in Wyoming

Rides I want to do include: The Triple Bypass, the Denver Century, Ride for Sight, Tour of the Moon, and something out of state, like across the country!

4. I am going to get my NASM personal trainer certification! I’ve been saying it for a while, and I’m not saying it anymore. I’ve officially signed up! My guided study starts in a couple of weeks.

I’m so excited for this. I’ve really enjoyed teaching classes at the gym, and I’d love to take that a step further by training a few people. I think many people are unaware of the benefits of cross training not only for their sport, but for a better life down the road. Stronger bones, muscles, joints and tendons will serve you well as you age.

I’ll keep you updated on my progress toward that goal. It looks like you have 180 days to take your test, but you have the option of an extension, too, so we’ll see how I feel after 6 months of studying!

5. I want to get my FTP to 4.0 w/kg. It’s not really for anything like racing, but I was so close in August that I told myself that I could get there next year. My weight has been incredibly steady at 115-119 pounds over the last year. I don’t ever feel like I deprive myself, though I do go through periods where I’ll focus on healthier food and others where I just eat whatever I want like a garbage can (that basically sums up the whole month of December 2020, haha).

Maybe I will need to gain a little weight to get there. Or maybe I’ll need to lose a little weight to get there. I’m not sure! I like where I’m at now, though, I feel like I am consistent without being overly stressed out about it.

6. I also want to read more books. I know that studying will be a lot of reading, and I don’t think I’ll have a ton of time to just sit around and read, but it is something I enjoy. So hopefully I can do more of that, too. I don’t really have a set book goal. I don’t want to pressure myself on top of the NASM study. Maybe that’ll be a 2022 thing.

7. I also vow to get outside more, even when the weather sucks. This was something that started in 2020 because of the hand we were dealt, but it really made me realize that I feel so much better when I get out and do something. Even if it’s not much, even if it’s not for a long time, I enjoy the opportunity to see the world instead of hide inside from it.

This is an intangible, immeasurable goal, too. I understand how bad they are. But I still will always keep it in the back of my mind that I should take the opportunity when I can. I know I will not always choose that, but I’ll make a note of my feelings when I do, and I know that will help boost my mood and my health in a good way. That’s all I ask for!

All right, that’s the end of my list! I think I’ll be busy for quite some time.

What’s yours?